I give this documentary film 4 starts, not because of the substance to the documentary in its expose of what transpired to the actual crime or death to Mirna, but to the absolute exposal to the farce which is the Indonesian Court system and how the public influences is proceedings.
Here in America, we are once again spoiled. People often complain about our judicial system. Well I suggest you watch this film and you better have a new appreciation for the way the law works here when it could be like in Indonesia! Our system is a bedrock, a bastion as an example of an infinitely better way to run it's legal proceedings. The safeguards of a single judge, prosecution, defense, and the judgment from our peers all come together in a way that safeguards our innocence till proven guilty.
In nearly a complete opposite, Indonesia is an absolute Kangaroo Court from top to bottom. I truly believe Indonesia should be incredibly embarrassed having allowed this documentary to show how insanely flawed their system is. This is NOT opinion. This is not subjective. This is fact. Everything seemed to be based at every turn on whim or the idea of throwing every silly and ridiculous notion out for the panel of judges to the public sentiment in an effort to sway opinion as opposed to truly getting to the bottom of true guilt or innocence.
Firstly, this idea of a panel of judges is a bit disturbing. While we have our Supreme court, theirs seemed way too much like a cozy group that was far too much a group of friends than a group that would challenge each other along with the prosecution and defense to get to the facts.
Then the proceedings were so loose that the victims, or the deceased because she could have died of natural causes, that the father was able to plant pictures for the judges to see in an effort to sway their opinion. Regardless if this worked or not, it should have never been possible to happen.
Then one of the most ABSURD things was bringing in so called experts that tried to testify about judging her as being seedy or contemptible just by the look of her face in the lack of shine in her eyes or smile. I was beside myself with all that. That kind of junk science may have worked on the 1800s or earlier, but has LONG been debunked in psychological circles in most first world country courts!!! Public opinion ran with all this. Saying she LOOKED guilty.
The problem is that everything against Jessica was completely circumstantial. Early on experts pointed out that she didn't have anywhere near lethal dose of cyanide in her system, yet cyanide was still a supposed part of what was counted as what killed her. She may or may not have been guilty, but everything that was tried to be used against her was 100% circumstantial.
Jessica was found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
So I wrote my initial paragraph because the title of the documentary and what I expected. I started this before I had finished the documentary. As it turns out, the very things I complained about was really the point to the documentary. How corruption, money and the ridiculousness allowed in the proceedings all exemplified the absurdity that is the Indonesian Court system.