Just done reading Kafka on the shore and realised, the author hasn't completely explained any of the questions/ situations that he started the narrative with. There is no conclusion to the story as one would expect. no loose ends tied, no counter evidence to support or reject the theories. the real, the surreal and the metaphors are all mixed up and hard to differentiate from one another. And yet i couldn't keep away from this strange story with an unusual narrative and the absurd characters that sound oddly familiar and also something/ someone I have experienced to some extent. Though I don't think i understood enough about the book or what its trying to convey, I still feel contented to a certain extent and enriched with nothingnesss. Just like life, where we have no control, don't find all the answers, don't always explain what we mean and after a point we accept everything that comes our way as part of life moving from one point to the other knowing there is no escape.