Its just another sterilized period drama. Everything is spotlessly clean, brand new and very much of the day. Look around your house. Is everything brand new? Is every car on your street a pristine 2023 model? No. It wasn't like that in the 60's either.
Another thing we cannot ignore is the woke/PC garbage they have injected to appeal to (((((MoDeRN AuDiEnCeS))))) D&Qs everywhere, everyone seems to have a POC relative (or child, which is even weirder since both parents are white), and the dynamic between males and females is distinctly modern.
Watch the first few episodes of Coronation Street (1960-61) if you want realism. Dull, drab, depressing, LIVED IN sets. Drab clothing. Tired people who actually look like they went through a war or two, and rationing. Working class people "making do" with what they have.
This show; Its hogwash. Flowery scented hogwash, but hogwash none-the-less, much like every other period drama made since the softies took over the world.