So first of all SPOILERS.
Let me just say I did enjoy this movie until it ended I started thinking about it which starts with the ending with Mallory not being Mal….this makes no sense seeing how the witch kills and wears the skin of MOTHERS or in Sara’s case an older woman.
Secondly, Sara…how did she even get in their house? Ben made a salt circle all around their house to protect them from her yet she just walks right in? but yet we clearly see salt affects her in the end when Mal is protecting Ben when he’s saving Nathan.
Third, Nathan is interesting and could’ve had a lot of potential as a twist character. By twist character I mean the witch made Ben forget that he had a little brother the entire time…even before he met the witch or before she appear next door….I was confused x amount of the time during the movie because certain things characters would say like “oh look a the little artist” or the mom saying “how are my favorite boys?” I was like is the dad and the mom not divorced? and the dad is cheating? there’s no way the son wants to meet the other woman. It just makes no sense for him to forget BEFORE the witch even gets started with him. NOW what they could’ve done is introduced Nathan at the beginning being called a little artist and then him being slowly phased out along with the drawings on Ben’s cast one by one leading us, the viewing audience, to forget about Nathan as well which would’ve been cool.
Fourth, speaking of forgetting does everyone in this town just forget about people having kids and them going missing? or the entire family at one point? I mean i get there’s a lot of vacation homes there like the dad said but you’re going to tell me this doesn’t happen to locals?
Fifth, the bullies whom i’m assuming are locals…what’s up with that? nothing got resolved with that.
Sixth, it was never resolved what the beginning scene is all about with the babysitter. originally I was thinking it’d be the same house from the beginning…nope. i guess it was just supposed to be showing this has been going on for 35+ years and no one’s noticed it and the symbol that’s carved everywhere
Finally, the symbol. I know it’s the witches symbol but what does it represent? i assumed a deers head seeing the alter and her wearing it as sara at one point but why is it inscribed everywhere on the house or houses of women she possesses? Never states this so i don’t get.
Like i said it’s not a bad movie it just doesn’t explain stuff or resolve certain plots. I wouldn’t say it’s a waste of time watching it like others do.