I've silently seen some of the worst movies from Salman Khan and never reviewed them, I used to be a huge fan and still watch his movies that come out hoping that something good will finally come out - but honestly my patience has run out. For god's sake either stop making movies or else find better scripts and please please for heaven's sake please play age appropriate roles. It's really disgusting you are still trying to be a hero with ladies half your age or even less than half your age on your arm. You need to play the elder brother, the young father or something like that please it is highly inappropriate for you to be playing the young 20/30 year old with a heroine who is in reality in that age group and you are romancing her when you are so so so much older than her. Sorry but this is puke - worthy on top of the contrite storylines this is another huge issue and i hope going forward you will consider this when selecting your roles