A massive disappointment unfortunately.
I adore the books and the video game adaptations.
The whole series is like one bad nostalgia trip into the final season of Game of Thrones.
I wanted to enjoy it, I really did.
How could you go this far wrong with such epic story telling in the books already laid out for you?
It tries to hard to be “multicultural” the dialogue is horrific, the cgi is worse, there is absolutely no world building or character development what so ever.
The fight scenes are good and I enjoy Yen’s character sometimes but frankly, The Witcher deserves better than this, much better.
The people giving this amazing reviews need to take a long hard look at themselves and what they consider “Quality Entertainment” on a plus note it’s not as bad as Rise Of The Skywalker... But, I don’t think anything could be.
I hope you’re ashamed of this show and the disservice you’ve done this remarkable material and if you’re not, You should be.