I really LOVE the show!!!! Very well written! NO buffoonery. The characters are well-developed and exciting! I like how the Pierce family deals with their powers, the family and community dynamics, etc. The show features music I grew up with, i.e., James Brown, Lynn Collins, EWF, Marvin Gaye, etc!!! Back in the day when R&B was about LOVE....not the self-destructive, misogynist mess being forced on my people today. Black Lightning oozes with love of family and community. I also like how it educates its viewers about real-life racist medical experiments conducted on People of Color, especially African Americans(this is why the racists want to kill the show; they hate seeing the collectivism projected by the show(all for one, one for all), and other historical and contemporary FACTS). The creative genius, special effects, etc. are great!!!
It would indeed be an injustice to cancel it. In fact, it would be RACIST to cancel such an excellent show with a predominantly-Black cast.