This drama reinforces my view that South Korea produces some of the best television in the world and a big thank you to Netflix for having the intestinal fortitude to bring these great shows to us in the English speaking world.
The plot, the acting, the characters, the costumes, the sound and the cinematography are all first rate.
This drama has all the elements. I found myself smiling, crying or laughing throughout the entire series. You get so drawn into the story that you can’t wait to continue watching and end up bing watching.
Initially I thought the plot was about the “twin” daughters but the story slowly revealed that it was the much loved fathers story.
For those of us not fluent in Korean and thus having to rely on the English translations it can be a bit of work as the translation is not perfect and the dialog does move at a pace. I was forced many time to do the 10 second rewind to reread what was said and then to correct the poor English. This however was a small price to pay for an excellent show.
Finally the cast. Amazing. All first rate. It is so hard to believe that they are acting.
My only criticism, that I could make about the show, relates to the quality of the set used for the Choi family palatial home. They were cheap and did not carry the plot.
For me this was a lucky find and I highly recommend the series.