Bundy's devotion to manipulation, domination, desensitization of violence, make mockery of and self-righteousness pleasures, forced on the human race, lives on. Bundy (satan), burning in hell, is laughing at us all! Netflix only gave us what they knew we wanted and what in turn would give their shareholders what they want. It’s a cruel jaded world we live in. Have we, as a race, lost all sense of decency, scope of tastefulness or respect for victims and families of such acts on humanity? Noticing footage in the film of how much attention and celebration around the time of his electrocution was upsetting. Nonetheless I myself, of curious nature, watched this documentary. What has come of us and the technology we have in our faces? We have only ourselves to blame as Bundy continues relishing in the sensationalism of how he chose to use his gift of a brilliant mind and good looks. I only hope Netflix and its shareholders give all the proceeds from this film to the families of those victims and criminal science.