Kudos to the producers, as the saying goes where goes the money so do the masses. For all the naysayers the saying applies "a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still" was a saying I saw on a Burma Shave ad. Listen folks watching with an open mind and listening to the reasoning is a choice for you to investigate. The beef,poultry,and pork lobbies have a lot of money behind them and they are not going to set back and be pick-pocketed.
Like Arnold said it is not going to be an easy change, as he said you are not going to go up to someone and say don't eat meat. You have to watch for the rest of the response,but suffice to say who is going to say he doesn't know a thing or two about nutrition. It was more someone sharing an inside view of their journey to restore themselves, someone who would have never believed it unless they went thru it.
The creditable physicians on the program didn't run from the topic they merely stated the facts that they know about coronary issues, so without rambling on it is an opening of dialogue. A discussion on the possibilities, the what if's, what if this information can change lives for the better? We all know what we have to fall back on, so go ahead watch and start your journey.