Just killed Anton Castillo......... About 85 hours of game play for me and there are still LOTS of races,, boxes,, etc to find and complete, also have found manycrates, boxes, charms, weapons, done races, etc..... But this is the Worst FarCry since Primal...... no character progression, and this is SUPPOSED to be FarCry, a hard game. I chose HARD MODE and ya, some sticky situationsbut the game play was far too easy. Enemy AI will just stand there and not even alert or fight back... SUPER EASY comparedto other versions. In FarCry 5 I was under attack all the 5ime while exploring, NOT in this game. No reason to really play it. Yes, there are missions and boxes and treasure hunts. But it all seems hollow compared to other FarCry. No real reason to hunt animals, no upgrading lootsack, anything like that. The bandito operations were a waste of time. Lots of current social topics in it which I wish they would just leave out and make a game. I have played a bit of the VAAS insanity and that was SUPER COOL, and VERY difficult s9 far. Definitely excited about more to come with that.