This particular story in the series kept me hooked, but I am only giving it three stars for the overly obvious dramatization and hokey overall pattern of the series itself. BUT "A British Crime Story" had me riveted, wondering what happened to beautiful Carole Packman and her long-grieving daughter.
Very twisted, indeed. Also, this may sound shallow, but I was completely fascinated with how all the people looked. For example, the daughter Sam had to be about 50, but her facial structure, voice, mannerisms, and hair made her seem like she was only 25-30 years old but had aging make-up on. I couldn't shake it for most of the series, how young she seemed aside from her obvious aging on her skin and by simple math from her birthday. The victim, her mother, was also extremely beautiful when murdered around age 40. I found it staggering that in the last episode the murderer says he "killed for love' some sort of all consuming love - and the other woman was absolutely plain. I mean if I were being rude, I would call her ugly. It's like a Charles and Camilla situation, I don't know.