They used ALL the cheap tricks in stressful movies in ONE movie:
Diabetic child
Losing insulin
Finding insulin
Not using insulin
Apocalyptic disaster
Car not starting
Looking for car keys
Friends not getting the message
Helpful guys turns to be bad ones
Stealing the child
Finding the child
Looting a pharmacy for insulin
Crowded entrance to key place
Walking around to go out of crowded place with no problemo
Soldiers only following orders...
Father not wanting to go...
Stoping a plane in the runway with a car
Messages finally coming
Full highways
Then empty highways
Then staying together
Getting in the place in the last second
Australian bushfires environment
Hammer fight
The bracelets thing
Sugar levels rising in diabetic person
No signal in phone
Messages not sending
Asking for rides in the highway
Leaving behind the father
Meteors shower!!!
Plane exploding!!
Going to Canada by road in a collapsed country...
Plane crash!!! Just around the corner they needed to be
Extinsion level event... With birds flying around
No time for pancakes!!!!
Etc etc etc
.. It's like the movie: 2012 II