I loved the first movie sooo much. I cant really remember what happened in the second one just the main part- Elle cheats on Noah blah blah blah.
This movie is really hard to rate. I loved it but absolutely hated it at the same time.
For my first point, the movie is 2 hours long but I felt like I was sitting there for 5. I had to keep checking the time on my phone to make sure time was actually passing by. It felt like a kids show where the plot is actually getting somewhere and then the whole thing goes back to square one for the next episode. The whole movie is just everyone putting more and more pressure on Elle and then they all turn into self obsessed brats and lash out when they dont get their way. Eventually they notice that they have their own lives... AT THE END!!
However, I have a good point. This movie had everything to finish off the trilogy. Everyone sorted their own lives out and left to do what they wanted. I may have cried over 5 times at all the sad moments right from the start to the end. Lots of people hate these movies mainly because they dont understand that the movie producers have to make the characters do something to get from point a to point b. One thing I dont understand is why the whole her working at a cafe was necessary, cant Elle just get a loan?
This is just my opinion the movie wasnt good but it wasnt bad. I would have preferred just the first one I was fine with that. One of the main reasons I dont remember the second one is it was so cringy that I skipped most of it to save my poor brain cells. There were a lot of moments in this movie aswell where I wanted to self destruct so my final bit of advice for netflix, please... less cringe?