Spider-Man: No Way Home, spoiler free review.
Spider-Man: No Way Home is the best fricken movie to ever exist. From major action sequences, to acting never done before.
Willem Dafoe's portrayal of Green Goblin is amazing. He has made the audience feel like they are right next to them. *He* is the Green Goblin. No one could ever take that away from him.
Alfred Molina's character, Doctor Octopus is my favourite villain in the movie. His acting is amazing. He has never ever done something like that in his life. During the final battle, one of the scene's literally made me cry of happiness.
Jamie Fox's, Electro has never ever been so powerful before. He has not changed a bit. He is still the same person he was, before he got pulled into the MCU. His greed for power and importance is everlasting, He played his character amazingly.
I feel like Rhys Ifans and Thomas Church had very little importance in the film. They're portrayal of The Lizard and Sandman were amazing let me tell you. The lizard is very sneaky and smart (considering he's a scientist), whereas Sandman is very untrusting. I mean sure they both had they're time to shine in the film but definitely not as much as Alfred, Willem and Jamie.
Now for the main event,
Tom Holland, has never ever ever ever done a movie like this. His acting is phenomenal. The kind of things that Peter Parker goes through in this film is something else entirely. His acting is touching and heartfelt and on another level. I dont want to say anything else but if you still haven't watched the movie......your missing out BIG TIME.
Don't worry the movie is going to be in cinemas till March, so there is plenty of time to still watch it.
When I watched the movie in December my entire cinema erupted in cheers and whoops. I've not heard cheering that loud since Avengers: Endgame, maybe even more.
This is by far the best marvel movie ever made.
Jon Watts has done a fabulous job with this film, and I hope that Marvel continues to keep up the amazing work.
Spider-Man: No Way Home has the best ending a trilogy could ever have.
Go watch it.
Thats all I can say.
There are a few more characters I've not addressed like Aunt May and Happy Hogan, MJ, Ned and a few others, and thats because...they'll probably include spoilers.
Enjoy the film!!