It's such an interesting show with a compelling plot that doesn't follow steryotypes in charcters. For example Edwardo would at first glance, based on appearnce seem intimidating, and harsh, but that's not him at all! When you look at Wilt he seems sporty, and sports players are ofter steryotyped as stuck up and rude, but not Will. This show is such a great example of why steryotyping is bad. It's interesting because some of the cuter in design charcters (Like Berry) end up being really mean. The designs are all so creative, original, and memorable, and every episode has an amazing storyline that if you start watching you just don't want to stop. Now I've been watching this YEARS after I first saw it (2001 babie) and it's just like I remember! I have yet to encounter a part I don't like.