I'd like to share my thoughts and personal feelings about what Joy Behar stated on Monday April 8th in regards to her take on what she thinks our President/the US should do for all the illegals flooding into our country, "...thats the way to solve this problem, keep them there happy, whatever, solvent ...give them a house, give them food, help them, help their children. Stop the crime rates...". Megan McCain rebuttles, " Give a Nicaraguan a house?...". I'm a born and bred United States citizen. My husband is a painting contractor, who by the way, looses many jobs to illegals who are on the receiving end of our countrys entitlements of "keeping them happy, giving them a house, food, free medical, etc.". We just lost everything in the Paradise, CA CampFire! How about our Country HELP US!!! OUR OWN CITIZENS FIRST!! Im on SSI Disability Medicare and I can't even get a secondary insurance! My "zip code" disqualifies me!!! Yep...go figure that one out! And... we're having a very difficult time getting a loan to buy a home, we were in the middle of an escrow when the fire hit. We lost in excess of $100k of our possessions, things we can put a $$ value on. ...how do we recoop? And whats priority here?? Our own citizens suffering devastating loss or illegals who flood our country saying they're running from theirs while waving their countrys flag??!!! These illegals bring their children fully knowing they are commiting a crime ... They know exactly the publicity they are receiving on the backs of using their poor children! That is a disgrace! How about helping us, as legal citizens of the United States, to become solvent? Help us get a loan for a home so we can move forward from our devastating losses!! Wake up AMERICA and lets take care of our own people, citizens FIRST AND FOREMOST! And then offer humanitarian assistance to other countrys w/in realistic limits and while protecting our own country and people. We are not responsible nor obligated to help others before we help ourselves .. our own citizens!