This show is downright eye-opening about how much America, a first world nation and many other countries have a faulty regulation, biased laws and many unconstitutional practices running that the popular media just doesn't dive into the needed depth.
They even have created awareness about multiple topics through fun initiatives and websites.
The jokes which are coherently mixed through the harsh unseen realities of life are funny, hard-hitting for most of the part, but sometimes it gets a little too much NSFW as well as uncomfortable language is used way too much.
But now more than often the show displays some situations purely based on facts and many times it tends to lean into the harsh left side of the endow ten window, which has created damage to people's minds, such one example comes in the BLM/George Floyd (Police) episode in which he literally justified violence to public and private property done by the group which just damaged the situation and the reputation of black people in a bad place where they are already looking for positive hope but rather are displayed like this.
Hence, this show has done tons of good and bad stuff too. So that as the reason i drop the my rating from 4 stars to 3 stars.