I have nothing more to say, i just wanted to thank you so much . This book was a lifesavour for me , it's really help me out for my trauma , depression ,social and anxiety disorder . Now i can feel so much alive and it was exuberant experience of my life and how can a book change your life .Now, i have nothing to withhold inside my heart i am truly embraced all my vulnerability and find that part which was really hidden inside the deep core which was about to fade away or just died each and every seconds now healing and moving forward with faith , hope and unconditional love for the universe and for within itself .
I really get to know various aspect of life through it and with little deeper understanding i can able to move forward my life . I really enjoyed every guidepost and each and every word speaking with itself , and those newly transmuting definition and life changing quotes were eyeopener for me . i want share some quotes i.e , ' The dark does not destroy the light , it define it . It's our fear of the dark that cast our joy into the shadow ' and one by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' People are like stained window glasses . They sparkle and shine when sun is out but when dark sets in , their beauty is reveled only if there is a light from within' .
Her determination and research work is epitome of humanity. Thanks for enlightening the light within me , the light of my inner being , the light of my soul again and my world .