In season 2 of 24 Bauer had to fly a nuclear bomb away from LA, skydived out of it, he was captured and tortured until his heart stopped for 3 minutes but was still able to get up and kill 10 men in a shoot out and single handedly took on a gang determined to bring about a world war (it was like watching an episode of Captain Scarlett). During the same 24 hours his daughter was kidnapped twice, by different unconnected people, was involved in an armed robbery that coincidentally happened whilst she was in a shop, was in a car crash in a police car and was pursued by a child abuser who she eventually shot dead. Every time she got into a scrape she'd phone a high-security government department, the Counter Terrorism Unit to speak to her father and it didn't matter what he was doing at the time they put her call through to him, even when the same gang had blown up the building where the CTU was housed.and 29 members of their staff had been killed they still tracked him down so that she could ask for his help to get her out of whichever pickle she'd got herself into...... They must have put several script writers in s room and told them to keep the story going for 24 episodes so they all got out their old comics of Captain Marvel, Flash Gordon and The Thunderbirds (although the stories on the latter were believable).