I’m sorry I can’t lie as these other reviews have , as a lover of horror and zombie movies , this movie was absolutely horrid . 30 minutes in and only one zombie attack. The dialogue is often repetitive, cringeworthy, awkward, no type of chemistry at all . The effect the directors and producers were going for fell completely flat . The interactions make it seem as though they filmed the first day the got the script . There was no comedy , not a giggle , not a chuckle . The pacing was glacially slow , and random scenes and dialogue that didn’t even tie into the movie , just make you lose focus . The slick wit coupled with the low budget horror trope could’ve made a decent movie , somewhere along the lines things literally fell apart . Someone upvoted this movie because of “the memories” they believe the cast had while filming it ... that makes no sense , the movie wasn’t the best and that’s that regardless of memories made while filming .