Not a terrible movie but not great, either. I fell asleep the first time watching, for about 20-25 minutes and it didn’t make much of a difference to the story. The film is too slow-moving and the content isn’t very interesting. This guy keeps leaving his wife to go into space, and this time leaves her while she’s pregnant, and is too ignorant to understand why that’s a problem until she’s leaving him? Ok.. The character isn’t very likeable.. isn’t well developed.. and I had trouble rooting for him. Adam Sandler’s performance was good. The content just wasn’t.
Paul Dano’s performance as the spider was a strong point, but the look of the creature was so creepy, I didn’t want to see it. I kept expecting him to eat Adam or something. Haha. I expected some sort of twist or revelation in regard to the spider but nothing came. The only thing I wondered was.. was the spider really there, or only in Jakub’s mind from being lonely?
Those who say they thought this was funny, I don’t get that at all. I didn’t laugh once.
This isn’t the sort of movie I’d watch again. My husband started watching and turned it off, so it’s not for everyone. Worth watching for Adam Sandler fans, but not a film that’s appealing to the masses.