Spoiler Alert 🚨 Btw
I’m in tears of excitement about wreck it Ralph. I absolutely LOVE wreck it ralph so I was overly excited about the second film. I enjoyed seeing what happened six years down the line, but I have to agree with what everyone else was saying about character development. Like vanellope made me feel some type of way. She treated Ralph poorly in this film and while Ralph was clingy he still was busting his behind and doing the best he could to help her get her game fixed. She threw her whole game away to be in a new game and be friends with that shank female who was pretty dope. Also, I thought I would’ve seen a lil bit more of fix it Felix. I loved him in the first film he’s way too adorable. All in all, I really enjoyed the film!! I’m team Ralph Idc how clingy he was I loved him!! This film hit me in the feels with the vanellope and Ralph moment😿. Can’t wait to get it on dvd!!😁