Overall, this book touched on some very important issues and drew me in from the start. It helps you empathize with people who stay in abusive relationships and why it’s so hard to break that chain.
However, the tone seemed a little too lighthearted at times, almost more like a rom-com. For how deep the message was, I feel like more powerful language could’ve been used, especially in times of reflecting on the abuse. I also wish we would’ve seen more character development of Atlas towards the end and what Ryle’s relationship with Emerson entailed.
Lastly, many (if not all) plot points were predictable in my opinion, but I am at least happy with the ending.
2/5 rating because I think she was brave to write this book with these messages and creating such a complex, real character out of Ryle with a gem of a character in Alyssa. Everything else lacked imagination to me just because of the fact it was so predictable.