Nothing earned by the titular hero unlike her animated version, absolutely, insultingly pandering and yet somehow still gives glum, muddled message.
Gong Li danced figurative acting circles around Yifei who literally showcases no acting chops whatsoever. No emotion, expression, nothing. Westernized wire-fu clashes with the more serious, "grounded" tone that ditched dragons and crickets for a phoenix? For a viewer like me that has watched operatic Wuxia / Hong Kong Kung Fu films for decades, this is some real Americanized trash.
How so called "critics" saw a great movie is beyond me. Lined with Disney money or doesn't have the actual critical integrity because they're afraid of backlash. Do audiences even care what they have to say anymore? Speaking of Hong Kong, it makes sense in this political climate that these pandering critics would look the other way as long as the movie is China centered. Wouldn't know a good Hong Kong movie if it slapped them in their white pandering faces.