Game is bloody amazing. It has some great content and a whole economy surrounding it. Very skill based and most stock weapons are single fire, rewarding accuracy with massive DPM. I've played this game for over 500 hours and I gotta say that this game never gets old. It has a wide range of different cosmetics and weapons to choose from so you can express your own taste. This game is like no other FPS in the way that it was friendlies, epic fire fights and dances / taunts. This game will steal away your free time and it's free to play! Unfortunately, it does have it's downsides. Valve doesn't really take care of this game anymore and it hasn't gotten an update in 3 years at the time of writing this. There are also many bots and script kiddies that Valve hasn't addressed yet. VAC ban sucks and Valve doesn't seem to care. Also RNG. Overall, this game is great and it gets really satisfying when you get good at TF2.