It amazes me how some people are still not convinced there are other, more intelligent beings out there, as if the only evidence they would believe is if an ET made public appearance on a TV or on their favourite show. We all know some still believe in television and mainstream media shenanigans just about as much as in themselves. If I was lightyears more advanced than our kind, I would avoid the media as much as possible and like what the aliens obviously do - would try to communicate to more sensible and less wicked beings of this planet. Besides that, really great documentary, left me again in a whirlwind of strange thoughts and sudden pity for humanity and it's inevitable destination. I also have family members that have actually witnessed unearthly beings and let alone for that - I believe we aren't alone. On the contrary, it would be extremely foolish on any occasion to think that there's no one else in this entire existence. Great work, I really hope there will be more files uncovered in the near future. The people must know!