They did Katara dirty… I agree that changes should be made in adaptation or else there’s no point in making a new show. However, the changes should support the original characters and story line. These didn’t. They made Katara meak and quiet, giving her big moments of power to male characters or happen by chance. For example, in the original show, Katara accidentally breaks open the iceberg when she became so angry at Sokka that her water bending went out of control and exploded, in the adaptation the canoe just bumps into it. Gran Gran was the real leader of the village, not Sokka, and when Aang went into his Avatar state it was Katara who talked him down. Showcasing her motherly compassion, confidence, and strength. It was a defining moment in the show and they stripped it away. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal if they had found another scene to show off those character traits and bond between the kids, but they don’t. They also took all the goofy silliness and happiness out of Aang. These kids are clearly good actors, but they were poorly directed and the script seemed to miss key points in the show. I will say the special FX and costumes are very good! For me, those matter so much less than the characters and storyline though. Love the music and wish it was louder!