Without a doubt, it improves on the original in every aspect. It leaves no stone unturned and provides a clearer understanding to the concept behind the DC Comics' Justice League. The back story (first three parts) defines the heros and movie itself demonstrates their deterimination and drive to protect the world and their belief in justice. This version is much darker than the original, however it still manages to have it's own set of humor that both together bring the heroes together as the Justice League. If you don't want to sit for 4 hours to watch this movie, then watch the original version... abbreviated cliff notes. If you want to watch the real story and enjoy the DC Superheroes as they are intended, then watch Zack Synder's Justice League... you will be glad you did! Now, I have to wait for Zack Snyder and Warner Brothers to produce the next Justice League movie... the clock is ticking!