Crimson Peak is a love letter to the fans of Gothic Romance, a genre popular since before Jane Austen wrote Northanger Abbey. Many people don't understand that Gothic Romance is different than Gothic Horror. Crimson peak is not a horror at all. The ghosts if you pay close attention are not there to terrorise Edith. It is a great fanfiction of all the most famous Gothic Romance novels combined from Jane Eyre, to Phantom of the Opera, Rebecca, etc... and Guillermo del Toro uses lots of paraphrasing to make those of us that are lovers of that genre really appreciate what he has done from the Rochester style proposal to the "genius/madman/inventor Phantom" vs the handsome blonde childhood friend in love with Edith... Yes it is predictable (the painting reference to The Picture of Dorian Gray etc) but WONDERFULLY so bc Gothic Romance is a genre that has been wildly popular for hundreds of years and always follows the same pattern. Young innocent woman has two men vying for her hand, one is good and one is dark. She goes through a journey of discovery to become her own powerful confident woman in the end.
The sets are amazing and I have truly never seen anything like Allerdale Hall in any movie. The costumes are stunning. Each of the leads really captures their role. If you can handle a bit of suspense (not HORROR) and love a movie with stunning visuals and a nod to older films then you will appreciate Crimson Peak.