Acting is fantastic, Shabnam, Josh, Rohini and everyone else’s - family, friends, colleagues everyone is doing so well. Storyline is great - specially am so impressed with Josh’s acting skills - never saw him before! And ofcourse Shabnam is an excellent actress
Was enjoying it but this continuous flip flop is getting a bit tiring.
I have decided to stop seeing this serial henceforth because promotion shows that there is more twists to the story and again Shabnam is going to face a grave problem - will be arrested because of her naiveity ... read stupidity. She is otherwise so intelligent then ...?
You have decided to have the minority victimised and majority community ppl be projected as scheming.
The serial makers are hell bent on creating a communal divide of Hindus and Muslims by showing the continuous harassment meted out to Shabnam (because she is from minority community) by Rohini and Konkona (who incidentally is not one but grateful to Shabnam for saving Josh’s life twice - once by digging him out of grave and recently by reviving him).
The continuous twists just to earn from additional episodes is killing the interest and making it repetitive and mighty boring because obe is tired of seeing Shabnam being victimised.
Incidentally is Rohini a doctor or an actress?
Why be so stereotypical? It was a mature narrative. Let it remain so.
Please end it if the story is over but don’t spoil the otherwise good narrative. Please progress, retain respect for Rohini (also a doctor) who should accept the truth and move on in life.
Set good examples for the Joshs, Shabnams, Rohinis and Konkonas of real life as this is typifying some relations - mother in laws specially painting her so negative.
Millions are watching the serial so please make it positive, please.