This was their first album. It came out in April of 1991 by The Crash Test Dummies. It was a folk music rooted country album. Their next two albums were 90s alternative rock albums. Followed by their electronic music album called Give Yourself A Hand. I don't think anyone has listened to this band as much I have. Well..its between this band and The Smiths in the rock catagory. Crash Test Dummies are real music, I feel their best album was their 3rd one, A Worms Life. Their drummer Mitch Dorge added digital effects proving to be a pro at it. Ellen Reid plays keys and sings Just Chillin Get You In The Morning. Been looking for a Crash Test Dummies T shirt that I like for years, one with the Victorian guy with makeshift wings or the Tall Ship image. Coronavirus canceled their Dallas gig, I'd have driven the 5 hours east from Lubbock to see them. Crash Test Dude is a documentary on youtube worth watching. Thank you for thinking of this band, I've excercized, played guitar along with, ate, had relations with and endured the many triumphs and tragedies of life with this bands music