So after watching racket boys ep 12, I decided to watch another movie starred by TJS. It was insane, his acting. in racket boys, he plays a normal teenager (yet a bit active, naughty, lovable, cutely arrogant, and totally an extrovert). however, I was taken aback by how he played Geuru. I was like HOW, HOW CAN A PERSON ACT LIKE THIS?? when you watch Move to heaven, it is apparent that geuru is a hard role to play, due to geuru's mental condition and characteristics. however, TJS rocked it like there's no big deal. the transformation from Yoon Haekang to Han Geuru really makes me speechless. Now I'm totally his fan.
TJS, if you notice this, then id love to tell you that keep up the good work! I'll support you from now on~