Wow. Just wow. What can I say? This is definitely unlike any k-drama I've ever watched, and it truly a work of art. Before I start, let me just say that the cast/crew really put their heart into this production. The attention to detail is incredible! I highly recommend watching the 2 special episodes after the show; it reveals just how much thought went into each aspect of production. Amazing!
Starting with the characters: they are so complex, and multi-dimensional. It's amazing to see the character arcs and development, with some going from people you cannot stand, to people you're genuinely rooting for. You get to see some characters learn and grow from their decisions, and it's done in a really authentic, and natural way, with lots of self-reflection.
Others never really learn but, as I said, this is authentic to real life. Some people genuinely believe everyone around them is at fault, and they never take accountability for their own actions-- I think it's called a "narcissistic personality", but I digress. These characters were really interesting to watch, and their "logic" for why they did what they did was equal parts entertaining and infuriating.
Lastly, the overall plot and the way everything unfolded was beautiful. I've never been in a relationship, let alone married, but this show gave me an insight into what goes into a relationship. This show sheds light on something that is always exemplified as between 2 people. It shows that one relationship can actually affect countless people: the kids, family, friends, and work. Seriously complicated.
All in all, this review is just the tip of the iceberg, and there's no way I could fully express the frustration, sadness (there were lots of tears), or happiness I felt during each episode of the show. Honestly, you'll just have to watch it yourself to get what I mean. It starts off fast, so from the first episode, you'll be hooked! Happy watching!
And if you made it to the end of all that, here's a cookie loll 🍪