This game is objectively bad from virtually every angle you look at it from. We can analyze each factor of the game effectively by looking at it from a straightforward viewpoint. I, for one, have no motivation to either like or hate this video game. I've never been into COD, so I am neither emotionally attached nor angrily nostalgic about previous games.
Toxic People: Just a generally toxic community when playing on squads (for solo toxicity, see Hacking/Cheating section) with a large number of people dropping out of the game quickly as soon as they die, people who may refuse to revive you should you get knocked, people who will take the best weapons possible, forcing you to weed through the trail they leave behind unless you want to go off and loot on your own, which will probably result in you being sniped out of the stratosphere or hit by a truck, and teammates who are extremely unyielding and refuse to do anything that's not their idea.
Gun balance: as a lot of other reviews have mentioned, there are a select few weapons which are the best objectively with no contest, including the M4 and the MP5. If an enemy has one, it's pretty much over for you, meaning the game is more reliant on luck. You could spawn next to the worst player in the game, and if they pick up one of those guns, consider yourself finished. The thing about this is that it really doesn't make it rewarding to try new or funky weapons, because they'll lose you the game. I am no fan of Fornite, believe me, however Epic did it right. There was still some weapon disparity, but it wasn't even close to as bad as here. Mechanics are mediocre. When you try to shoot 0.5 seconds before the reload is finished, it results in an entire reload cancellation, forcing you to start over. There are way too many controls, making getting into the game a pain.
Hacking/Cheating: I don't expect a game to be hacker-free. If 2%> of people are finding ways to exploit bugs or cheat, it won't ruin the game. Here, however, it's absolutely unavoidable. This is a game where you get on and people are camping in the zone using an MP5 as a DMR, literally lasering you from 500 yards away. Even as you barely peek behind cover with a thermal sniper rifle straight on their head, you're literally annihilated. This is a game where hacking is almost encouraged. Absolutely ridiculous.
Unnecessary extremes: Games are roughly half an hour on average. This is insanity. Unless you have 3< hours to play, you'll be lucky to get into more than three or four games. Once you're in one, it takes a phenomenally large amount of time for the game to load once you're in the lobby. Oh, and if you get shot, there's often no recourse. That's right. You can get killed INSANELY fast. Gunfire is exorbitantly loud, as is the 'rattle' noise you hear as an enemy annihilates you from behind. The game is also 90 gigs, which is a HUGE amount of storage.
Activision should be ashamed.