This story is a really hard read for me personally. It starts off very nicely, with seemingly enjoyable characters and a fun detective plot. But then that's all kind of thrown out the window when the main characters ditch it for "love" and stuff. Even when that's over, the characters become really unlikeable. The lead can be confusing and difficult to follow along with, as well as overall stressful. Her best friend starts off really fun and enjoyable, but she kind of ends up ditching her friend for a boy, being extremely insensitive, and overall just being a huge jerk. I don't really care if they made up, they both make me angry as characters regardless. And behind all that, it's just flat out uninteresting. Don't get me wrong, I love positive representation of mental illness. I myself have diagnosed ADHD and depression. I like how the narrative never treats the main character's OCD as something that makes her a bad person, but it just doesn't redeem the story in my opinion. There are much more enjoyable stories out there that represent mental illness in a positive light. If you were to ask me, there are much more enjoyable and fulfilling stories you could read instead of this one. Unless you feel you're out of those, this book simply isn't worth your time.