Just saw this movie in IMAX format. I had been anticipating this movie for many months in advance and bought my ticket through Cineplex with reserved seating. The movie itself had a very interesting concept. With Chris Nolan directing it, I had no skepticism in his ability to convey something as complex as time travel into understandable bits and pieces for the audience. Half-way through the movie, I realized how confusing everything was. There was little focus on character development. We don't know how the cast came together, and what exactly are they trying to achieve. The theatrics and sounds was blaring and drowning every bit of dialogue. I had not the faintest clue what the characters were talking about. Subtitles would've definitely helped. The action sequences were awesome, but the plot, storylines were poorly conveyed. This is first time, I've ever walked out of a theatre in my lifetime. The sheer lacklustre and convoluted story lines, terrible sound-mixing, and inaudible dialogue made this impossible to watch. I'm very disappointed, and if it was anything like inception, I would've been able to piece things together. This was completely absent in this film.