Good lord, this film is a mess. While it's true that the film features lots of action and moving parts, it quickly becomes too much. Star Wars was designed by George Lucas originally as a "space opera"; meant to be character studies that are highlighted by action occasionally. That entire concept is thrown away in this film, to my dismay. The characters that were present in previous films are at their worst here, with Kylo Ren losing all of the dark struggle that loomed over him in the previous two movies, and with Rey especially being as much of a Mary Sue as ever. A lot of the dialogue is nothing less than cringe-worthy, especially near the end of the film, and it becomes quite difficult to sit through. Not to mention that Palpatine's inclusion here ruins the first six films of the trilogy by trivializing the characters, their struggles, and their accomplishments. This film is a joke, as is this entire trilogy, and I hope Disney learns their lesson from this. But, knowing them, they'll continue to milk this franchise for all it's worth. Gotta love monopolies!