Woke is a joke! Don’t understand how folks don’t find it ironic that the first thing that the main character (Keef) does on this pathetic show when he becomes “woke” is begin dating a skinny blonde chick (the total antithesis of a sister). In the meantime, there is not one successful black on black heterosexual (or homosexual for that matter) relationship portrayed (at least not in the five shows I could stomach). Yes, the show is clever, well written, casted, and directed but it is anything but “woke”. I could not even finish the episode when he confronts the police officer who attacked him. It shows Keef getting gunned down so many times by cops it would desensitize Wile E. Coyote to the death of a brother (no, this isn’t satire – not when the image is indelibly etched in your self-conscious). Also, how woke are you to do a parody of a cop senselessly shooting a black man multiple times when the world just witnessed the horrific strangulation of George Floyd? Thankfully, the producers gave the token white friend (who of course is smarter than the two brothers even while habitually stoned) the joy of narrating this white fantasy. (By the way, they also make sure to give Keef all the racist lines that he surreptitiously hurls at the other black character (Clovis)). Not only is Keef deep in the sunken place but so are all the so-called brothers who produce this modern uncle tom show masquerading as a political statement. Brothers need to grow a pair and start loving themselves (this includes people who look like their mommas and their offspring). Time to get out of Stockholm Syndrome and be willing to stand up (if that means lying and dying) to hold onto dignity.