So let me get this straight. Highly trained soldiers (the best of the best and our finest) murder a bunch of villagers and then some teenagers for money. And this in some kind of way makes them the stars of a Hollywood movie and critics call it ‘intense’ and ‘action packed’ and a ‘mission.’ And at the end we are supposed to believe that they left all their cuts to their fallen hero who’s greed got them there in the first place. And that is supposed to be admirable? First of all, I could not shake the feeling that this movie seems to be based on something that actually happened right from the start. What shame and disgust that it reflects on the United States armed forces and people are so insensitive that they don’t even realize how disgusting it is. It is tragic that men end up being mercenaries after the army throws them away. A mercenary does it for money. The movie made me sick. Soulless. They should have left the final verses of that Bob Dylan song that they cut out. They apply to this movie. Ben Affleck dropped the ball by attempting to glorify sickness.