I have to agree with another poster that to understand my review, you have to understand me. I don't replay games. Story rehash bores me. I just want to be entertained. ***Disclaimer, I did not start playing until after 1.15 and 1.16, so I can't speak for early bugs. ***
I'm about 100 hours in spaced across over 7 months. I only get to play now and then. Many kids, grandkids, job, house.....blah blah blah. I want good story from an RPG, I want to feel like I'm a part of something. Bethesda games are my go to normally, but I'm done with all the Fallout games and Skyrim mods. What I have found here is an engaging, story heavy, well thought out world. I have a few mods in play. I can take off weapons mods and cyberware. I don't like encumbrance so I upped that a bit. That's all.
I'm level 41, and doing every side gig and exploration I can. I like to do NCPD missions and just wander looking (for trouble) to help out. :) lol. I particularly like to pick at the Valentinos for some reason. I don't know what some folks were expecting in some reviews. If your dislike is based on release, I can understand. Beyond that, I have found a really neat place to play and chill now and then. Good game, deep stories, interesting characters.