Not fun or addictive, it is a bug filled game I had more fun playing cyberpunk..... The people with top ratings are either fakes or on drugs. I don''t find myself looking forward to playing this game, actually I tend to sit in the lobby and fine other excuses to avoid playing the game.(I need to at least beat the game before moving on)
When you are more afraid of the little guys then the big guys in a shoot and loot game you know we got problems.See you know something is wrong when you only wipe when the smallest guys come out. On top of the bugs and kind of lazy story. It started very good but it quickly turned into a very stupid game with some interesting ideas. To bad the ideas were terribly executed. On top of that they made the poor choice of forcing people into online play. That you get rewarded for having a co-op going(if you can get it going it has been so broken so far). Not like Borderlands either you get a free self revive when you have another player in party. This is one of the many fundamentally broken things in this game that they simply did a bad job on. Also I would probably do 3/5 stars if this weren't a SquareE game but it is and that is the reason I bought it. Idk why ppl are calling it a AAA title either, cause of Square? Doesn't feel AAA to me, but then again when was the last AAA title that was released without bugs or "more content to be added". To this I say NO WAY I am still going to hold a company as old as them to the same standard as when they released good games that weren't just remasters.
Also new discovery you can change your difficulty mid fight(which has a massive impact on loot) if you are clever enough to change it during a break in combat or if you can get far enough away from the boss and are quick enough. Proof the game is made by the lazy or cheap.