I’m not finished with the show yet but I had to stop just to write a review because Jesus.
This show borrows themes from so many classics, and completely drops them on their head. The writing is juvenile, the weird overlays on the flashback scenes are so unnecessary. The soundtrack is awkward and flat - it used period songs that for the most part were never hits. The whole tone of this show is bland but something engages me to keep watching.
It may be the obvious hatred for the character Tully from the shows own writers. To have every other character on the show perceive Tully as sad and pathetic while simultaneously using her for her fame and friendship is hard to watch. The overarching theme that she is a sad lonely spinster for not marrying or having children *yet* or ever is such an outdated stereotype it’s laughable it’s being used in a modern day show. Her character had the chance to be empowering and inspiring and instead fell back on its laurels portraying an independent female lead as lonely and pitiful for being single and powerful.
This show pins it’s female leads in outdated gender roles and makes the show as a whole BORING.