I think they do a pretty good job. I would also like to say something about our government officials, Democratic and Republican alike. I have never in my life of 56 years ever seen such a chaotic system we live in now. Why is it that our government officials are unable to pass another stimulus package but they continue to get paid and yet they might leave for another 30 days. How much longer will families with children have to decide keeping a roof over their heads or feeding their children. Or how many more people have to lose their jobs or their life. It's disgusting to me to even hear the voice of President Trump as he continues to divide our great country. We have always proven, beyond a doubt that when we all unite that we have been able to overcome mountains put in our way. I hope everyone votes this year, regardless of the continued lies that President Trump persists in stating, " that if he loses, its rigged". I hope CNN, or any news media posts this on their network. I also hope that this post is forwarded to anybody they care to share it with. WE CAN BE A GREAT COUNTRY, BUT WE HAVE TO DO IT TOGETHER!!!!