Helen Mirren is a good narrator, but only when she’s not trying to be funny. When she does, it comes off as forced. And even then, her narrations often interrupt the flow of the show, and get in the way of the animals talking. When the animals do get to talk, the scenes don’t nearly last long enough for the jokes to really hit, and even then, most of the jokes they tell aren’t even that funny. Some of the actors aren’t giving it their all when it comes to their performances, and even when they are giving it their all, the animal’s performances don’t support it. It’s the same problem that many people had with the 2019 Lion King. The animals aren’t expressive enough to really make the jokes work. Speaking of which, seeing as this is a Disney production, the jokes aren’t allowed to be as mature as they could’ve been, and I personally feel a more adult edge could’ve made this show a whole lot funnier. There are a few adult jokes sprinkled here and there, but they never go all the way with them. There are a few funny moments here and there, and the footage of the animals is stunning to look at on it’s own, but overall, this show is a whole lot of missed potential. If you wanna watch a talking animals show, I’d say go watch the BBC’s “Walk On The Wild Side”, a much funnier show in my opinion.