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yo no recomiendo a esta compania a nadies son unos delincuentes. mi hijo que vive en diferente direccion a la mia me pidio prestado mi mercedes y tubo un accidente y ellos se lavan las manos de no pagar porque no estaba en la polisa mia. y es injusto porque la ley dice que si un familiar vive en diferente direccion ellos deben pagar el seguro es para el auto no para ellos. pido notificar esto a la prensa de la florida. y a la fiscal general katherine Fernadez Rundle
I do not recommend this company to anyone who is a criminal. My son who lives in a different direction from mine asked me to borrow my Mercedes and had an accident and they wash their hands of not paying because he was not in my house. And it is unfair because the law says that if a relative lives in a different direction, they must pay the insurance, it is for the car, not for them. I ask to notify the Florida press of this. and the attorney general katherine Fernadez Rundle