Glorifying Gold Diggers.
Totally pathetic Acting , just because the guy has a Good Face doesn't mean he can act, Worst Acting from the main characters.
Storyline is from 1950 , same old poor falling in love with rich and visa versa,
The Director Mr Mayekar deserves a award for Making this daily Soap and wasting time.
Summing up the review,
1.Gold Digger at its best.
2.Pathetic acting
3.Good Face can't justify your acting, smart people will understand
4. Same old storyline , no freshness
5. Feels like the serial was made in 1920 and released in 2021.
6. Director needs to take his lesson back again, check your degree again if you have one.
7. Utterly ridiculous plot , if you had kept a inspirational backdrop this would have worked.
8. Actors need to take their Acting classes again .