I am a parent of a child that is having gender dysphoria. I read this book and many others to help myself understand what my daughter is going through. It was a hard read as I experienced over and over, through the stories, of what myself and my husband have been going through for the last year. At times I had to put the book down because I was so emotionally distraught! What I can tell you is the book is accurate. After researching twenty five plus therapist, we found one that my daughter liked as well as my husband and myself. After a 20 minute consultation the Doctor diagnosed my daughter as transgender. When her father and I questioned him enough was said that we knew our daughter had lied to him about certain things. There are videos on line that give children the information on how to convince counselors of their dysphoria. I found them! I researched for myself the facts in the book, if I had not already lived them. This book is an eye opener, and I did not find it anti anything! It provides solid information and statistics that our teenage daughters are struggling and we need to find ways to get them through the hardships of life without changing who they are! Life is not easy, there will be disappointments, heartbreak, they need to be reminded their family loves them, will support them and help them persevere! This was once known as building character!