I could feel my blood pressure rising just watching Jessica’s extremely poor decision making happen over and over again! Can she be any weaker? You would think that in a life or death situation, when there’s an opening, your survival instincts kick in but her’s just never fully manifested! It was soooo frustrating! It was painful to sit through all the dumb decisions Jessica kept making and I wanted to turn it off but just had to see what happens at the end since I was already 3/4 of the way torturing myself. The ending was so anticlimactic and really could have been much better.
Oh and the other thing! Walking with an injured foot through the first bare feet, you would think she would wrap some of the big leaves around her feet, macgyver some twigs together to create a makeshift shoe and twist some of those sturdy vines around her feet to hold the soles in place so her feet wouldn’t hurt as much from the environment and pine needles. She had the time if she hid quietly somewhere and made the soles. She just seemed like someone incapable of thinking on her feet! Pardon the pun.
Overall, this was a painful movie to watch because the behavior of the victim just seemed to clueless to be realistic for me. Jessica is an idiot and lost her chance to report her kidnapper time and time again! Ugh.