l would like to see CNN report how many outbreaks of the virus are traced to trump rallies in Pennsylvania,plus other states. l think we would find the amount not surprising. l would also like to hear a followup of the lawsuits being filed against trump after he leaves office and have your team research each charge and remind all of those who standby him that he has things before his election to deal with. l would like to also know how true is it that he dodged the draft while in college where he was studying real estate not anything that revolved around any science to keep him from going and during Vietnam for a bone spur on his spine which could have been removed and he would have been sent to serve. L would like to see John Kings magic wall show how many Republicans flipped to Blue this election and have the Trump groupies who are causing violence in this country. see that not every Rebulican wanted him to stay. l think they would realize that is what helped to get Biden elected along with more people voting.Maybe some of these issues being brought forward during this time of Trumps childish behavior and his followers see the truth. Too all of you at CNN God Speed,thank you for helping to keep us informed on everything. Your the best!!!